Saturday, April 27, 2019

Newsletter April 27, 2019

Celebrating our Risen Savior!
Selfies During Easter Worship
 @Houston's First!
He is Risen!   What a wonderful time of  Easter worship and celebration of our Risen Savior last week.  Our hearts and souls were lifted with the messages, music, and surprises including: difference maker T-shirts for everyone and even selfies!

The Easter Worship services were packed and will open up many new opportunities to reach those that are seeking Jesus or a place to grow in their faith. Let's make sure our Biblical Foundations Class is prepared to WELCOME new members with a Friendly and Encouraging Spirit.  Consider using the class bookmark. A way to invite someone you know or use during the worship service meet and greet -  CLICK FOR PRINTABLE BOOK MARKER

Reminder: Our class collection in memory of our dear friend and fellow class member Sandy Bell to Living Water International, which provides a cup of cold water in Jesus' name ends tomorrow. You can still participate by bringing checks payable to "Living Water International" or cash.  The collection envelope will be at the Class Welcome table.

Upcoming Events:
Saturday, May 4th 6:00 pm
Class Social at Faith Center Harwin - Information and sign up click here!

Sunday, May 5th after class lunch: Information and sign up click here!
Check Class Calendar for information and events:

Click for Weekly Church Information Blurb

The Podcast series on the Chris' "Scarlet Thread" lessons is in production and the first has been published and available - they will be released over the coming weeks in the order they were presented:

Wow, did you know as Houston's First members, we've been given free access to the biggest video Bible study library in the world!  Access over 10,000 Christian videos from any device that has internet access. Live online streaming of small group studies for home, office or school as well as great children's videos. To join Right Now Media free of charge: simply click here.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Biblical Foundations Newsletter

 Reminder: There will be No Life Bible Study this Week, see you in class on April 28th!

For Easter services information @ The Loop Campus Click Here!

Listen to Chris' message from last Sunday, click on arrow in picture below to launch podcast:

In honor of our our dear friend and class member Sandy Bell 

who went to be with The Lord March 31st, we are collecting a class contribution to a ministry she chose in lieu of flowers at her memorial: Living Water International. 

Make checks payable to: "Living Water International" or cash contribution collected during class through the end April.

Mark Your Calendar for a Social Event May 4th!
Plan to meet at the Faith Center Harwin @ 6:00pm for a tour and dinner at a nearby restaurant.- Sign Up Form CLICK HERE.

Would you like to host the Ladies Lunch in the month of June?
Contact Karen for details: tel: 713-204-8384 email:

Luke 24:6 -7 (ESV): He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise.

Newsletter June 29 2024

Class Scripture Memory Verse for June 2024 Deuteronomy 6:7 Names of God Class Focus June 2024 El-Shaddai Pastor's Message Sunday ...