Saturday, December 31, 2022

Newsletter December 31 2022

A Prayer from 1996 to the State legislators in Kansas:

Thank you for sharing your Christmas with Salena & Nano
Discover your gifts!
If you are unaware of your spiritual gifts, heart passions or personality traits, you encouraged to take this confidential spiritual gifts assessment 
free of charge courtesy of Houston's First! 

New Lesson Series beginning 2023:

Click For Information

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Newsletter December 24 2022

Thank you for sharing your Christmas with Salena & Nano

Discover your gifts!
If you are unaware of your spiritual gifts, heart passions or personality traits, you encouraged to take this confidential spiritual gifts assessment 
free of charge courtesy of Houston's First! 

New Lesson Series beginning 2023:

Click For Information

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Newsletter December 17 2022

1 Peter 2:9 
But you are a chosen race a royal priesthood a holy nation a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

NASA Time Lapse of the Sun 1 second = 1 day

On Sunday December 11th, both live from the classroom at HFBC campus &  live streaming on the class youtube channel, Mike Mancill taught the Fifth lesson in our Through The Eyes of CHRISTMAS Lesson series.  His lesson was on Luke 2:21-38 focusing on the fulfillment of prophesy and is now available on video, by clicking the the arrow below:

Tomorrow Sunday December 18th, the final lesson of 2022 from our 6 lesson study: "Through the Eyes of Christmas" lesson series. "The Wise Men".
 Make sure to join either in person @ HFBC's Fellowship Center Room D or via Live Stream
(details below):

Discover your gifts!
If you are unaware of your spiritual gifts, heart passions or personality traits, you encouraged to take this confidential spiritual gifts assessment 
free of charge courtesy of Houston's First! 


Good News we Can Use:
Our class Christmas blessing focus will be for a young expectant mother Selena and her son Nano - this young expectant mother is being ministered to by Charlotte Duncan and her 501C3 Adoption Information & Counseling Services Inc. To learn more about Charlottes ministry here is the website:

As a class we can be a blessing in a number of ways during this season, here are some ideas:
  • Bus Pass to provide Selena with transportation
  • Wrapped gifts for Christmas surprise for Selena and Nano
(Nano is a 5 year old boy and Selena is a 21 year old single expectant mother)

CLICK For List
For ideas and gifts to purchase click on the list below: 
New Lesson Series beginning 2023:

Click For Information

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Newsletter December 10 2022

On Sunday December 4th, both live from the classroom at HFBC campus &  live streaming on the class youtube channel, Bill Wright taught the Fourth lesson in our Through The Eyes of CHRISTMAS Lesson series.  His lesson was on Luke 2:1-16 focusing on the fulfillment of prophesy and is now available on video, by clicking the the arrow below:

Tomorrow Sunday December 11th, Mike Mancill will teach lesson 5 in our 6 lesson study: "Through the Eyes of Christmas" lesson series. "Simeon & Anna – it is not what you think"  This weeks homework...What has God whispered to you? Write down your fleeting impossible thought which you have pondered or dismissed.
 Make sure to join either in person @ HFBC's Fellowship Center Room D or via Live Stream
(details below):

Thank you, Carol Royce for hosting our 
Class CHRISTMAS Party 
in your home, it was a splendid event!

Good News we Can Use:
Our class Christmas blessing focus will be for a young expectant mother Selena and her son Nano - this young expectant mother is being ministered to by Charlotte Duncan and her 501C3 Adoption Information & Counseling Services Inc. To learn more about Charlottes ministry here is the website:

As a class we can be a blessing in a number of ways during this season, here are some ideas:
  • Bus Pass to provide Selena with transportation
  • Wrapped gifts for Christmas surprise for Selena and Nano
(Nano is a 5 year old boy and Selena is a 21 year old single expectant mother)

CLICK For List
For ideas and gifts to purchase click on the list below: 

New Lesson Series beginning 2023:

Click For Information

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Newsletter December 3 2022

Christmas Store Gift Collection Day 
TOMORROW Dec. 4 2022

Scripture Memory Verse
December 2022

Names of God
Class Focus December 2022

On Sunday November 20th, both live from the classroom at HFBC campus &  live streaming on the class youtube channel, Carol Pierce taught the third lesson in our Through The Eyes of CHRISTMAS Lesson series.  Her lesson was on Mary and the lesson is now available on video, by clicking the the arrow below:

Tomorrow Sunday December 4th, Bill Wright will teach lesson 4 "The Angels" in our 6 lesson study: "Through the Eyes of Christmas" lesson series.
 Make sure to join either in person @ HFBC's Fellowship Center Room D or via Live Stream
(details below):

Good News we Can Use:
Our class Christmas blessing focus will be for a young expectant mother Selena and her son Nano - this young expectant mother is being ministered to by Charlotte Duncan and her 501C3 Adoption Information & Counseling Services Inc. To learn more about Charlottes ministry here is the website:

As a class we can be a blessing in a number of ways during this season, here are some ideas:
  • Bus Pass to provide Selena with transportation
  • Wrapped gifts for Christmas surprise for Selena and Nano
(Nano is a 5 year old boy and Selena is a 21 year old single expectant mother)

CLICK For List
For ideas and gifts to purchase click on the list below: 

Click For Information

Newsletter June 29 2024

Class Scripture Memory Verse for June 2024 Deuteronomy 6:7 Names of God Class Focus June 2024 El-Shaddai Pastor's Message Sunday ...