Saturday, June 29, 2019

Biblical Foundations Newsletter June 28, 2019

Biblical Foundations continuing our 40 days of prayer and fasting through July 4th. 
2 Chronicles 7:14 (ESV) if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Chris' lesson Sunday from 2 Corinthians 6-8, entitled: "A Proper Perspective on Change" gave us insights how Paul modeled change to the Corinthian church not by our typical human nature response to try changing the other person but through a genuine loving and sacrificial way of encouragement and Christlike behavior we help prepare the environment for The Holy Spirit to work in the lives of others.
To hear Chris' lesson, click on the arrow in the "Radio Public" podcast link below:

In addition to the podcast Chris' power point and outline notes are available below:

Let's pray for revival - we are a generation experiencing the weakening of the foundation of a great nation...
A revealing graphic (See below) on the Church in America reflects how the Protestant Church has given way to a religion of "NONE" from 1948 - 2018:
Statistic: What is your religious preference: Protestant, Roman Catholic, Jewish, another religion, or no religion? | Statista
Find more statistics at Statista

In his latest book, Pastor Gregg Matte reminds us that the first step to being a difference maker is having a difference made in ourselves through the power of the Gospel. Once God makes that difference in your life, you are ready to go in Jesus’ name to play your part in changing the world. Are you ready to jump in? Are you ready to make the Difference Maker Declaration? Difference Makers is available now from CornerBooks, Amazon, LifeWay, and other retailers.

Sunday, June 30 Blood and Platelet Drive 
Schedule an appointment: CLICK HERE for information!

Sunday, July 7 After Class Lunch at Fuzzy's Pizza & Cafe:
Information, menu, and RSVP: CLICK HERE for information and to RSVP:

Sunday, July 14 Summer to Serve Preschool:
Biblical Foundations volunteer to help during 9:15 worship hour. If you have any questions, please contact Brianna Saunders:

Monday, July 15 Sweeet Hour of Prayer in HFBC Chapel:
Monthly class field trip to the Chapel for Praise and Prayer meet at 6:30pm.  Our class continues the regular monthly prayer time as a call in every other Monday at 7:30 pm unless otherwise noted on our class calendar at

Tuesday, July 23 Ladies Lunch @ Sandy Bridges':
Lunch provided by Sandy, please call or RSVP, information CLICK HERE.

Wednesday, July 24 Audio Production Team Meeting:
@ The Butcher's 7:00 pm, call Butch (281) 460-5756 or Karen (713) 204-8384

The Biblical Foundations Life Bible Study Class has immediate openings for the following service opportunities, no previous experience is required!  
No previous experience required, will train
No previous experience required, will train
No previous experience required, will train
No previous experience required, will train

If you are interested in serving your class in one of these areas, please contact Butch or Karen:
Butch - (281)460-5756
Karen - (713)204-8384

See you in class tomorrow!
invite a friend or family member!

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Biblical Foundations Newsletter June 21, 2019

Bible Study Houston Summer to Serve

Be a missionary to your own city July 8-11!
Deadline to register and fill out your background check is 
by end of day TOMORROW Sunday, June 23.

Key Dates for Mission 1:8

How to Register

  • Complete the Houston 1:8 registration form (for a specific ministry site or the Neighborhood Track)
  • Complete a Background Check
    • Background checks are good for five years. Contact Jen or Skyler to see if you have a current one on file with the church.
Ministry Site Track — Partner with smaller local churches to reach their communities through VBS and other activities and to advocate for what they provide people year-round.
Neighborhood Track — Host a block party, a cookout, a backyard movie night or your own way of being intentional about connecting with people God has placed around you.

Class Donation to Living Water International:

Chris' Lesson this week on 2 Corinthians 5:1-17 
"Dealing with Death" was packed full of insights, concluding with: "Showing The Creator I love Him by doing things I don't normally want to do." "Our opportunities are limited to this life, make a difference daily."   To listen to the podcast, click on the arrow in the icon below and also view the power point presentation:

The Biblical Foundations Life Bible Study Class has immediate openings for the following service opportunities, no previous experience is required!  
No previous experience required, will train
No previous experience required, will train
No previous experience required, will train
No previous experience required, will train

If you are interested in serving your class in one of these areas, please contact Butch or Karen:
Butch - (281)460-5756
Karen - (713)204-8384

Monday, Sweet Hour of Prayer took a field trip away from the call in prayer time to enjoy Praise and Prayer in the HFBC Chapel.  There were 10 Biblical Foundations members enjoying praise and prayer during our field trip of Praise and Prayer at HFBC's Chapel.  Regular call in will resume Monday night with more field trips planned for July 15 and August 19th - check class calendar for details.

God is stirring the heart of His People, let's continue 40 days of fasting and prayer for our nation ending on July 4th - never too late to join in!  God bless our nation with another victory this week with the Bradenburg Peace Cross decision, see this tweet from The Family Research Council:
Supreme Court Decision this Week - Bradenburg Peace Cross
Here is good resource from the Billy Graham Library to support our prayers it is also a printable .pdf file:

In his latest book, Pastor Gregg Matte reminds us that the first step to being a difference maker is having a difference made in ourselves through the power of the Gospel. Once God makes that difference in your life, you are ready to go in Jesus’ name to play your part in changing the world. Are you ready to jump in? Are you ready to make the Difference Maker Declaration? Difference Makers is available now from CornerBooks, Amazon, LifeWay, and other retailers.

Sunday, June 30 Blood and Platelet Drive @ HFBC:
Schedule an appointment: CLICK HERE for information!

Sunday, July 7 After Class Lunch at Fuzzy's Pizza & Cafe:
Information, menu, and RSVP: CLICK HERE for information and to RSVP:

Sunday, July 14 Summer to Serve Preschool:
Biblical Foundations volunteer to help during 9:15 worship hour.

Tuesday, July 23 Ladies Lunch @ Sandy Bridges':
Lunch provided by Sandy, please call or RSVP, information CLICK HERE.

See you in class tomorrow!

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Biblical Foundations Newsletter June 14 2019

A wonderful Baptism celebrated in our Biblical Foundations fellowship on Sunday!

Photo compliments of George Davis
Romans 6:4 (KJV) Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.


Chris served us some very healthy spiritual nourishment on Sunday with his lesson from 
2 Corinthians 3-4,entitled: "How Should We Then Live"  
The lesson is available on podcast. To listen just click on the arrow in the frame below:

To accompany the lesson here is the visual presentation Chris used during his lesson:

Be a missionary to your own city July 8-11!
Deadline to register and fill out your background check is 
by end of day Sun, June 23.

Key Dates for Mission 1:8

How to Register

  • Complete the Houston 1:8 registration form (for a specific ministry site or the Neighborhood Track)
  • Complete a Background Check
    • Background checks are good for five years. Contact Jen or Skyler to see if you have a current one on file with the church.
Ministry Site Track — Partner with smaller local churches to reach their communities through VBS and other activities and to advocate for what they provide people year-round.
Neighborhood Track — Host a block party, a cookout, a backyard movie night or your own way of being intentional about connecting with people God has placed around you.

Announcements for the coming week:
also available on class website: 

Sweet Hour Prayer Monday, June 17
Will not be a call in. Instead, please come to The Loop Chapel for a Night of Prayer & Worship 6-8 pm. where we will have an opportunity to lift up and offer praises and prayers.

Biblical Foundations Audio Production 
team meeting this Wednesday June 19th, 7pm at the Butcher's house.  If you are interested in taking part in this service opportunity please call 281-460-5756.

Room Layout for the coming year? 
Do you have a suggestion on our classroom layout, please communicate to Butch or Karen, changes to be submitted week of June 17th.

Blood and Platelet Drive Sunday, June 30 @ 8:30-2:30
Houston's First Baptist Church Donor Coach
Go on line and make an appointment this week: CLICK HERE

Don Hamilton Shared this Praise of Victory in the Supreme Court for Christian Values of Our Country:
Supreme Court Shuts Down Atheist’s Attack on 
‘In God We Trust’ Motto

See you tomorrow in Class!

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Biblical Foundations Newsletter June 8 2019 Gathering, Growing, and Giving

28 class members enjoyed food and fellowship at Fuzzy's on Sunday, during our June After Class Lunch.  Thank you Roger and Mary for discovering this wonderful spot for us to enjoy a tasty meal in a friendly environment.

The Ladies Brown Bag lunch 
and prayer time on Wednesday was well attended in spite of the heavy rains, Thank you Karen for hosting! Here is a preview of upcoming Ladies events and our hosting members.  Be on the lookout for details.

& even more ladies Bible Studies are @ HFBC this Summer

Chris' lesson Sunday from 2 Corinthians 1-2 (Part 1) entitled: "Christianity Survival 101" was packed full of timely truths much of which centered around forgiveness.  Check out the lesson on podcast below and be sure to share it as Sheila reminded us all in class on Sunday:

 Chris' Lesson notes and presentation are also available here:

Our Pastor announced his new Difference Makers book on Sunday, check out his tweet:

Sunday July 14th 9:15am

The Preschool Ministry is reaching out to all LBS classes and inviting us to join together for a Summer to Serve! So for one Sunday this Summer, we've been asked as a class to serve together during our worship hour. There is an aspect in which we can worship the Lord through song and we can also worship him through serving the church body! 
Click Here to see a fun video to get you and our class into the summer vibe!

Mission 1:8
July 8 -11
June 23 — Deadline for Registration and Documentation:
Make sure to register here is the link:

Our Class Scripture Verse for the Month of June is....

Thinking of creative ways to spend more time with Our Lord?  If you ever thought about Bible Journaling , here is an interesting article on a creative way: 
If you have a problem loading the article, 
CLICK HERE FOR Journaling Article:
Bible Journaling Basics… and a Little Inspiration too!

See you in Class Tomorrow!

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Newsletter May 31, 2019

Sunday we had a very insightful overview lesson on the book of 2 Corinthians by special guest teacher Harvey Brown.

If you haven't checked out Chris' lessons on our class podcast sites, we now have the first 5 lessons in his "Scarlet Thread" series.  Here is the most recent podcast on spotify:
During the month of May our class verse 2 Chronicles 7:14 encouraged our Biblical Foundations class 40 days of prayer and fasting for our nation beginning on Memorial Day and ending on July 4th.  If  you can participate by giving up something you enjoy for a day or all 40 and invest that time in prayer for our nation we can make a difference.  An opportunity to participate is Franklin Graham's call for a special day of Prayer for Our President Sunday June 2nd:

Upcoming Events:
class calender @ Click on pictures for information and sign up

Ladies brown bag lunch June 5th:

Sunday June 2nd is our Monthly After Class Lunch at Fuzzy's Pizza Cafe, click below for information and to sign up:
Click on Picture to sign up for after class lunch!
The upcoming June "Skeptic" series of messages is a good time to invite a friend or family member who has doubts about the authenticity of Jesus.
Also, invite them to visit our Biblical Foundations Life Bible Study by providing them with a book mark that you can download and print off.

Sunday July 14th 9:15am

The Preschool Ministry is reaching out to all LBS classes and inviting us to join together for a Summer to Serve! So for one Sunday this Summer, we've been asked as a class to serve together during our worship hour. There is an aspect in which we can worship the Lord through song and we can also worship him through serving the church body! 
Click Here to see a fun video to get you and our class into the summer vibe!

As we prepare for July and Mission 1:8, our class Scripture Verse for June: Acts 1:8

Here is an interesting article about singing:

Hope to see you in class this Sunday!

Newsletter June 29 2024

Class Scripture Memory Verse for June 2024 Deuteronomy 6:7 Names of God Class Focus June 2024 El-Shaddai Pastor's Message Sunday ...