Saturday, June 15, 2019

Biblical Foundations Newsletter June 14 2019

A wonderful Baptism celebrated in our Biblical Foundations fellowship on Sunday!

Photo compliments of George Davis
Romans 6:4 (KJV) Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.


Chris served us some very healthy spiritual nourishment on Sunday with his lesson from 
2 Corinthians 3-4,entitled: "How Should We Then Live"  
The lesson is available on podcast. To listen just click on the arrow in the frame below:

To accompany the lesson here is the visual presentation Chris used during his lesson:

Be a missionary to your own city July 8-11!
Deadline to register and fill out your background check is 
by end of day Sun, June 23.

Key Dates for Mission 1:8

How to Register

  • Complete the Houston 1:8 registration form (for a specific ministry site or the Neighborhood Track)
  • Complete a Background Check
    • Background checks are good for five years. Contact Jen or Skyler to see if you have a current one on file with the church.
Ministry Site Track — Partner with smaller local churches to reach their communities through VBS and other activities and to advocate for what they provide people year-round.
Neighborhood Track — Host a block party, a cookout, a backyard movie night or your own way of being intentional about connecting with people God has placed around you.

Announcements for the coming week:
also available on class website: 

Sweet Hour Prayer Monday, June 17
Will not be a call in. Instead, please come to The Loop Chapel for a Night of Prayer & Worship 6-8 pm. where we will have an opportunity to lift up and offer praises and prayers.

Biblical Foundations Audio Production 
team meeting this Wednesday June 19th, 7pm at the Butcher's house.  If you are interested in taking part in this service opportunity please call 281-460-5756.

Room Layout for the coming year? 
Do you have a suggestion on our classroom layout, please communicate to Butch or Karen, changes to be submitted week of June 17th.

Blood and Platelet Drive Sunday, June 30 @ 8:30-2:30
Houston's First Baptist Church Donor Coach
Go on line and make an appointment this week: CLICK HERE

Don Hamilton Shared this Praise of Victory in the Supreme Court for Christian Values of Our Country:
Supreme Court Shuts Down Atheist’s Attack on 
‘In God We Trust’ Motto

See you tomorrow in Class!

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