Saturday, October 12, 2019

Biblical Foundations Newsletter October 12, 2019

The Names of God class focus for October: ELOHIM
Photo Courtesy of Don Hamilton - Hole in Rock framed by tree near Santa Fe, New Mexico

Our Class Scripture Memory Verse for October: Matthew 7:7
Class Scripture Memory for September Matthew 7:7

Our Biblical Foundations teacher Chris Martin's lesson Sunday, entitled: Love & Hate taught from Acts 21 and his continuing series on The Life & Teaching of Paul.  The Podcast is now available (Click on the Arrow below to start podcast).  Additionally, Chris has provided us with the notes and video presentation also available below:

Mary and Roger for organizing Sunday's 
After Class Lunch @ Fuzzy's Pizza Cafe
Kathleen and Phillip for organizing Sunday's 
Trip to the Theatre Matinee!

The attendees for The Hiding Place were blessed and deeply moved by this excellent production!
For more info about Corrie ten Boom watch the following 2013 documentary or the Hiding Place movie from either:

1.  Corrie ten Boom :  A Faith Undefeated - Documentary made in 2013 - 1 hour
This documentary recounts this unforgettable story of when Nazi forces invaded Holland in 1940 and began rounding up Jews, and how Corrie ten Boom, her sister Betsie, and their elderly father risked their lives to save as many as possible.

2 The Hiding Place - starring Jeanette Clift George (founder of AD Players) and Julie Harris.  Released in 1975.
The true story of a family that fought the Nazi madness with the only weapon they had. Love. Golden Globe nomination.  
Kathleen Evans
Cell 713-725-5791

Let's Serve our Pre School Together 

This summer was such as success working with the Preschool Division that we’ve incorporated it into our schedule going forward. All the adult LBS classes (Summit – Adult 3) will be taking one Sunday to help in our preschool classes. Our class assignment for the coming year is:
October 20, 2019
January 26, 2020
April 19, 2020
July 12, 2020

Our class is scheduled for the hour that we worship rather than our LBS hour. to sign up, contact:

Interest Meeting Tuesday, October 15th @ 7pm
Connection Center (144)
At this interest meeting, learn about a tour happening next spring (Apr 27-May 2, 2020) as Houston's First heads to Washington, D.C.! The meeting takes place in the Connection Center at The Loop Campus. Come explore some of our nation’s most important historical sites and discover the new Museum of the Bible on this tour open to adults from every campus of Houston’s First. Our tour hosts are Minister of Education Ben Pritchett, Director of Women’s Ministry (The Loop Campus) Carolyn O'Neal, and Houston’s First members Peggy Bain and Drew Walters. This meeting is not required to go on the trip, but you’re encouraged to come learn about this tour and ask any questions you might have.

Alpha Vision / Information Gathering 
Saturday, October 26th @9am
Alpha is coming to Houston’s First! But...What is Alpha? Alpha is a series of sessions (often hosted in someone’s home) exploring the Christian faith, typically run over eleven weeks. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. There are three core components to every Alpha group:
good food, short focused talk on a topic related to Christ, followed by a discussion regarding the short talk. Our church sees Alpha groups as a great tool to connect with our “Ones” whom we have been praying for over the past several months. We will be hosting a vision /informational gathering on Alpha Groups on Saturday, October 26th.  The informational gathering will be followed by a short training session for those interested in starting / leading their own Alpha group. More information about the Saturday meeting will follow.

Mark your calendar!
Class Christmas Party
December 7th

Our Biblical Foundations Christmas Party is scheduled for Saturday December 7th 7:00pm @Carol Royce's Home - For Information and sign up CLICK HERE.

Monday, October 14, 2019 @ 7:30pm
Call in: To join in to the prayer time

Call your dial-in number: (605) 472-5460

Enter the access code: 826547

The Biblical Foundations Life Bible Study Class has immediate openings for the following service opportunities, no previous experience is required!  

Send digital samples of your photos, artwork, crafts, journal entries- we are building up our inventory of inspirational media for weekly backdrops to: Names of God and Scripture Memory Verses.

No previous experience required, will train


No previous experience required, will train

No previous experience required, will train

No previous experience required, will train

No previous experience required, will train

If you are interested in serving your class in one of these areas, please contact Butch or Karen:
Butch - (281)460-5756
Karen - (713)204-8384

See you in class tomorrow,
invite a friend or family member! 

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Greetings from Big Sky Country  courtesy of Lauree & Walt  Introducing our Names of God Class Focus for July 202 4 Class Scripture M...