Saturday, October 21, 2023

Newsletter October 21 2023

Sandwiches provided, sign up for:
 drinks, chips, fruit, dessert

Let's Serve Together 
@ Street Church
This Thursday October 26
Class Meet-up and Carpool from 
HFBC Southeast Parking Lot 
departing @ 5:20pm

Needing COATS!
Check your closet for coats you no longer use and bring to class tomorrow 
or bring with you Thursday
Contact Butch for details: 281-460-5756

On Sunday October 15th, both live from the classroom at HFBC campus & live streaming on the class youtube channel @BibleStudyHouston, 
Rand Wall taught
"The Parable of Wedding Feast"
Matthew 22:2-14
also, Debbie and Rand Wall presented their testimonies to the class
This lesson and testimony video is separated by chapters and available by clicking on the arrow below:

Tomorrow Sunday October 22nd,
Carol Pierce
teaching the Parables:
"Hidden Treasure, Pearls, & Debt"
Matthew 13:44-46; 18:21-35
 You are invited to join either 
in person 
@ HFBC's Fellowship Center Room D 
or via Live Stream
(details below):

Foundations class is currently in an 8-week study of:
The Kingdom Parables
the student workbook is available for download or purchase by clicking on the picture below:

Roles of a Man (ROAM)
In this day of Gender Confusion this can provide an outline for better communicating.
ROAM will inspire the MEN of HFBC to be in the game 
and to live for the greatness of God! 
 4 Wednesdays Oct 25, Nov 1,8,15 – 6:30p -8p 
Lead by Eric Reed and Don Munton 
Registration - “tear offs” in your Adult 2 LBS Classes This is a don’t miss Milestones  for ALL Men 

Did you Know: Adult 3 Offers Encore Enrichment opportunities, here is their Monthly Newsletter:  
and here is a Link to Encore Enrichment activities: 

Click For Information

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