Saturday, January 4, 2020

Biblical Foundations Newsletter January 4 2020


Whether you make resolutions or not, it is interesting to note what improvements other Americans are planning for in the coming year.  As a class devoted to knowing Jesus and making Him known, it is a good time to pause and plan for how we can be more effective in the coming year. 
Infographic: America's Top New Year's 
Resolutions for 2020 | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

Sunday, HFBC's Associate Pastor David Self, gave a timely message in preparation for 2020.  If you missed it, here it is:

Six Keys to Good Decision Making

David Self – Dec 29, 2019

Biblical Foundations Names of God Focus for January 2020
Biblical Foundations Names of God Focus January 2020
The Word

Biblical Foundations Scripture Memory Verse for January 2020
Class Scripture Memory Verse January 2020
John 1:1

Call In Monday January 6, 2020 @ 7:30pm

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